January 10, 2025
January 10, 2025 (Day 3)
- INFORMATION REGARDING STUDENT PARKING: Please pay attention to ParentSquare messages: Whenever we have a delayed opening, there is NO student parking. If you choose to park in this situation, parking is forfeited for 2 weeks.
- ATTENTION ALL PIANO PLAYERS: Registration for Piano NYSSMA is open now through Friday, February 7. See a music teacher to pick up a registration form today.
- MORGAN’S MESSAGE CLUB: There will be a Morgan’s Message Club meeting on Monday, January 13, at 2:00 p.m. in Room 34. If you plan to attend, please bring posters, markers, and other decorations!
- MORGAN’S MESSAGE GAMES: The JV and Varsity Girls Basketball teams will host the first ever Morgan’s Message Games here at Kings Park on Thursday, January 16. The JV game is at 4:30 p.m. and the Varsity game is at 5:45. Come out and support the teams as well as student-athlete mental health! Wear green to represent mental health!
- CROCHET CLUB: The Crochet Club will meet on Thursday, January 16, after school in Room 32.
- ATTENTION SITE-BASED MANAGEMENT STUDENTS: We will be holding a very important Districtwide Shared Decision Making and School-Based Plan Committee Meeting on Friday, January 17, 2025. The meeting will take place in Room 101. Please arrive at 9:00 a.m. Make sure to stop by the Attendance Office this week for more information and a required pass for this event.