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Kings Park High School

Excellence in Education

Dual Enrollment / College Courses

Developing College Readiness


Kings Park High School affords qualified high school students an opportunity to take college courses and earn college credits while learning in the high school environment through six (6) universities: Adelphi University, LIU Post, St. John’s University, SUNY at Stony Brook, Suffolk Community College, and Farmingdale State College. All courses offered by the post-secondary institutions listed above carry credit which may be applicable toward a degree at other colleges and universities. Applications, with registration instructions, will be distributed through the classroom teachers in September and January. Each institution has specific eligibility requirements and registration procedures that must be followed to ensure proper registration and receipt of course credit. Please note that the tuition fees are for the current school year and are subject to increase yearly. In the event that a student chooses to withdraw from a course, they must follow the deadlines and withdrawal procedures established by the credit granting institution. Please realize that there will be no financial reimbursement by the college or university if this occurs. To receive college credit for co-enrolled classes taken at Kings Park High School, students must request transcripts directly from the Registrar’s Office of the college or university granting credit.   Please note that each college or university sets its own fees and deadlines. KPHS has no ability to alter the college or university dates or fees. The college or university may also have a minimum number of students needed to participate in order for the course to be offered for college credit at all. Specific information will be shared in the classes that offer these programs.


Listed below are the colleges and universities that Kings Park High School students can receive credit from.


College Level Courses


LIU HS Scholars English,  Creative Writing,  Poetry

LIU HS Scholars Anatomy and Physiology                      

St. John’s University  Italian/Spanish                               

Adelphi University   Child Psychology, Athletic Training       

Suffolk Community College Excelsior Program Pre-Calculus, Statistics    

Farmingdale State College Robotics

Stony Brook ACE Program English, U.S. History, News Literacy


