Mrs. Cohen -
Ms. Kies -
Mrs. Manzelli-
Mrs. O'Connor -
Mr. Dylan Phillips
School Psychologists
Mrs. Larkin-Fredericks –
Mr. Marc
Social Worker
Mrs. Janine Simpson -
Ms. Andrea Doelger-
Mrs. DeJuri –
Mrs. Lonardo –
To our Junior Parents and students:
Important information has been posted on the junior class google classroom that each 11th grader has access to. In addition to other important information targeting our juniors, this google classroom contains a wealth of information regarding the college application process, career information and upcoming events. We strongly urge the students to read this very important information and begin their research. Students will have an opportunity to attend our Mini College Fair on March 14th, 2023 during school. Please watch for specific information about this and any other upcoming college fairs.
In the upcoming weeks, all School Counselors will be meeting individually with our 11th grade students to review current academic progress, and discuss post-secondary options. If you are interested in attending this meeting virtually or in person, please contact your child’s school counselor. If joining virtually, a zoom link will then be sent prior to the meeting. Please be advised that if we do not receive parental contact by Friday, March 8th, we will begin the process of working with our students individually.
The 10 Best TED Talks Every Potential College Student Should Watch
1. Angela Lee Duckworth: The Key to Success? Grit
2. Dan Gilbert: The Surprising Science of Happiness
3. Margaret Heffernan: Dare to Disagree
4. Andy Puddicombe: All it Takes is 10 Mindful Minutes to reduce stress
5. Larry Smith: Why You Will Fail to Have a Great Career
6. Susan Cain: The Power of Introverts
7. Matt Cutts: Try Something New for 30 Days
8. David Kelley: How to Build Your Creative Confidence
9. Shane Koyczan: To This Day…For the Bullied and Beautiful
10. Adora Svitak: What Adults Can Learn From Kids
11. BONUS: What you need to do to have a great career-Larry Smith
The Kings Park High School Counseling mission, in alignment with the Kings Park Central School District, the New York State Department of Education, and the American School Counselor Association’s National Model, is to foster the developmentally appropriate academic, career, and social/emotional growth of all of our high school students. Through advocacy, leadership, and collaboration, every student shall have equal access to a comprehensive school counseling program that is proactive and responsive in nature. The professional school counselor will maintain a collaborative partnership with all stakeholders including parents/guardians, school personnel, and community members, as a student advocate, for the purpose of supporting student success. Together we will provide a safe, positive, and productive environment where all students feel a sense of belonging and connectedness. By fostering life-long learning and respect for self and others, we will promote a foundation of success that will support them beyond their secondary years.
The School Counselors at Kings Park High School adhere to the philosophy that all students can be successful. A school counseling program is an essential and integral part of the schools overall education process. Please take time to review our Guidance Department website. The information on this site is resourceful and user friendly.
If you have any questions regarding the School Counseling Department website or have suggestions on how to improve the site please contact the KPHS School Counseling Department.