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Kings Park High School

Excellence in Education

Course Selection

Greetings KPHS!

Believe it or not, course selection for the 2023-24 school year has begun! In December, students and teachers have been involved in ongoing discussions regarding their recommended placement for core-courses. In January, counselors will have individual student meetings to discuss both elective options and courses that have been indicated on the course selection sheets students completed prior to winter recess. Counselors are available by appointment to discuss next year’s schedule.

Please do not hesitate to call, email, or stop down to the office to make your appointment!




Each year, with the help of their parents, teachers, and counselors, students plan their high school academic program for the next school year. The steps in this process are listed below:

Step One: The Course Description Book is made available online to all students. They review the book with their parents and develop a tentative program for the coming year. Students will learn more about the courses during Curriculum Assemblies in December.

Step Two: In January and February, counselors meet with students to complete course requests and answer any remaining questions.

Step Three: Course Verification’s are available on the Parent/Student Portal. Parents and students review course requests and contact the school to ask questions or make corrections prior to the deadline stated in the letter.

Step Four: Course requests are tallied for the entire school. These enrollment figures are used by administrators to make final decisions about course offerings and numbers of sections required for the coming school year. Based on this information, the master schedule is created. Should a course a student has selected not be available, he/she will be placed in course(s) based on the student’s alternate requests.

Step Five: Schedules are issued in August. Changes will be made only to correct errors. Schools cannot honor requests for a specific teacher, nor schedule a class or lunch at a special time.

*Please refer to the Course Offering Guide for full details on our scheduling procedures.

Visit this link for important information on Advanced Placement Courses; Education Law 817




The Guidance Department will utilize Student Portal for students to be able to access their completed course requests.  

We encourage all students to sign-up and monitor their Student Portal accounts during the scheduling process to ensure that course requests are accurate, yielding appropriately developed schedules for the following school year.



Sign into the Student Portal here: https://studentportal.eschooldata.com/kp