January 27, 2025
January 27, 2025 (Day 1)
- INFORMATION REGARDING STUDENT PARKING: Please pay attention to ParentSquare messages: Whenever we have a delayed opening, there is NO student parking. If you choose to park in this situation, parking is forfeited for 2 weeks.
- ATTENTION SENIORS – CAP & GOWN INFO: Cap and gowns for graduation will go on sale on Monday, February 3 through Friday, February 28. Order form and money can be turned in at the School Store before school or to Mr. Durland in the Phys. Ed. office during the day. Order form can be found on the Senior Class Google Classroom. Please return form and initial the appropriate line even if you are not ordering anything. If any questions, see Mr. Durland.
- LUNAR NEW YEAR GOODIES! Get ready for Lunar New Year on Wednesday, January 29! The Culture Club will be selling Lunar New Year goodies for just $1.00 during seminar tomorrow, Tuesday, January 28. Lunar New Year is a time for family fun, delicious treats, and exciting traditions like lion dances and fireworks! Wishing everyone who celebrates a very happy new year!
- ATTENTION HOPE SQUAD NOMINEES: Parent permission forms and student contracts are due today, Monday, January 27.
- ATTENTION SITE-BASED MANAGEMENT TEAM MEMBERS: There will be a meeting after school at 2:00 p.m. in Room 101 tomorrow, Tuesday, January 28.
- NATIONAL ENGLISH HONOR SOCIETY: There will be a National English Honor Society meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, January 28, at 2:00 p.m. in Room 110. We will have a special guest presenter. See you there!
- LEADERSHIP CLUB: Let’s play jeopardy! Come join us this Thursday, January 30, at Leadership. All are welcome! Come join us from 2:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. in Room 101. See you there!
- ATTENTION STUDENTS INTERESTED IN A CAREER AS A HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONAL: Join us for a presentation on Wednesday, February 5, in the library during 2nd period. Discover various career paths, internships, and summer volunteer opportunities. Stop by the Guidance Office for a pass ASAP.
- ATTENTION ALL PIANO PLAYERS: Registration for Piano NYSSMA is open now through Friday, February 7. See a music teacher to pick up a registration form today.
- YEARBOOK SALES: The price of the yearbook is now $130. It will go up again on March 1. Visit yearbookforever.com and type in, “Kings Park.” Then follow the prompts to complete your purchase. If a parent wishes to purchase an ad to be placed in the book for their senior, this must be done by Friday, March 7.